Review: Log Jammer Insect Suet Plugs Are a Home Run for Woodpeckers, Nuthatches

I regularly have a suet log bird feeder out during the winter and spring for my neighborhood birds. Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, and Chickadees all seem to enjoy it. I purchased some Pine Tree Farm Log Jammers Insect Suet Plugs to use in the feeder a few weeks ago and wanted to write a review on the product and if it’s worth your time and money. Overall, my local birds seem to like this suet and the affordable price makes it likely I’ll continue buying it.

I’ve been into bird feeding since 2021 and have since written dozens of reviews on bird feeders and bird feed for this blog. My goal is to lay things out in detail and describe my experience to endorse certain products…while steering you away from crappy stuff. I hope this review helps if you’re shopping for suet plugs.

Related Content: How to Attract Woodpeckers to a Feeder

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Log Jammer Insect Suet Plugs

Pine Tree Farm Log Jammers Insect Suet Plugs in a suet log bird feeder.
These suet plugs fit perfectly in my Birch Tree suet feeder. I’d imagine they will work well in any suet plug bird feeder.

I purchased a three pack of these suet plugs on Amazon for $13.85 (subject to change). That comes out to roughly $4.60 per pack of three. A 12-pack for sale is at about $40. My all-time favorite suet plugs are Attractor Peanut Suet Plugs…but those are $7 per pack of three. The quality of the Attractor Suet Plugs are tough to beat and remain my first choice…but I was impressed overall by the quality of the Log Jammers suet plugs. You want a suet product that’s malleable and tender, showing it’s made of fresher/quality ingredients. These were fresh out of the package! The great price and quality means I’ll certainly buy these again.

But, did my birds like them? Immediately, yes! It only took a few minutes for Downy Woodpeckers to start eating it. In just a week I’ve also seen Black-Capped Chickadees, White-Breasted Nuthatches, Northern Cardinals (from the ground), and American Crows enjoying it. I don’t have local Red-Bellied or Hairy Woodpeckers right now, but imagine they’d also enjoy this. House Sparrows and European Starlings are also enjoying these at my feeder…for what it’s worth.

I also have some suet cakes out in my hopper feeder, and it seems like the Woodpeckers and Nuthatches spend equal time eating these and the suet blocks I have out.

Click here to view and purchase these suet plugs on Amazon.

A Closer Look

A close look at the label of Pine Tree Farm Log Jammers Insect Suet Plugs.
Suet is a nice source of protein and fat for birds.

Here’s a zoomed in view of the product showcasing the ingredients and instructions. The black soldier fly larvae and dried mealworms also make this suet a great option in the spring. Insects are a nice source of calcium and overall nutrition for birds during the nesting season. I find that birds like Chickadees and Nuthatches especially like them!

Pine Tree Farms is the manufacturer of these suet plugs. They’re based in New York, making this a made-in-the-USA purchase.

The company manufactures several different types of suet plugs, which I will certainly try in the future.

Shopping Options

Here are a list of places online you can buy these suet plugs. Let me know if you see other places selling it. I can always add to this list.

If you end up buying these suet plugs, let me know in the comments section below what you think of it. If you have questions or comments, I always welcome those:

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