I needed to replenish my supply of sunflower seed for my bird feeders and decided to try something new for a change: Wild Delight Sunflower Chips. Within minutes of putting it out in my feeders, I saw several birds like Cardinals, Goldfinches, Sparrows, and Dark-Eyed Juncos itching to eat it.
I’ve been into bird feeding for several years and have reviewed dozens of bird seeds and products on this blog to share what’s worth buying and what’s not. For this review, I’ll post pictures of my experience, so you can judge if this is a seed you’d like to buy. At the end of this post, I’ll put links to this bird seed for shopping.
Let’s dive into more on this bird seed!
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Checking Out Wild Delight Sunflower Chips

I love sunflower hearts and chips for bird feeding because there’s a limited mess left compared to shelled black oil sunflower seed. It’s more expensive, but the added cost is minimal for the convenience. Sunflower seed in all forms also appeals to a wide variety of birds at your feeders. I’ll list birds that like this seed further down.
Here’s a link to view and purchase this bird seed here.
I bought this bag of bird seed and didn’t see any rips or tears. I put it into my hopper and squirrel-proof feeders and saw my neighborhood birds already starting to eat it a few minutes later. That’s a win! I like these sunflower chips as they’re easier to eat for birds with smaller beaks to eat like Mourning Doves and American Goldfinches.
Wild Delight Sunflower Chips got the job done and has my endorsement as a great no-mess sunflower seed option online.
A Close Up View of Wild Delight Sunflower Chips

As you can see in the photo above, there are no fillers in this bird seed. No red milo or cracked corn in sight! There were a few stray sunflower shells, but nothing to complain about.
Related Content: Costco Bird Seed is a Hit for Cardinals, Finches, Jays
Here’s a view of the back of the bag below. I like to post this in all of my bird seed reviews so you can see that it’s a nice source of protein and quality-fat. The ingredients list checks out, just sunflower kernels. I’ve also never seen a “formula” section on a bag of bird seed. A lot of this reads like marketing mumbo-jumbo, but interesting. Also, this is manufactured in Minnesota. Home state pride!

Birds That Like This Bird Seed
- American Goldfinch
- Blue Jays
- Chickadees
- Dark-Eyed Juncos
- House Finches
- Grosbeaks
- Mourning Doves
- Northern Cardinals
- Nuthatches
- Pine Siskins
- Titmice
- Woodpeckers
- Wrens
Shopping Options
Here are several places you can buy this bird seed. It’s worth checking all of these for price differences. Let me know if any of these links ever become outdated.
I also want to give you options for similar sunflower chip products on Amazon that you can price check and compare. I give my stamp of approval to each of these seeds too.
- Audubon Sunflower Chips (5 pound bag – read my full review on this seed here)
- Old Potters Wildlife Sunflower Hearts & Chips (3 pound bag – read my full review on it here)
- Kaytee Sunflower Chips (3 pound bag)
- Lyric Sunflower Chips (25 pound bag)
- Morning Song Sunflower Hearts and Chips (5.5 pound bag)
If you end up buying this bird seed, let me know in the comments section below what you think of it. If you have questions or comments, I always welcome those: debaundan@gmail.com