A bag of Wagner's Bird Seed on a desk

Review: Wagner’s Deluxe Treat Bird Seed is Cheap for a Reason

Wagner’s Deluxe Treat Wild Bird Food is one of the most purchased and highly-reviewed bird seeds on Amazon. It’s cheap and has an extraordinary high 4.7/5 star rating on the website at the time of this article. However, after buying the seed and seeing it myself, I’m making a bold claim that this bird seed isn’t worth your money and that you should consider alternatives.

A hopper bird feeder with space for suet cakes.

Review: A Bird Feeder Cardinals and Woodpeckers Love

When I started bird feeding a few years ago, my top goal was to attract a Northern Cardinal. I’ve always been enamoured with this bird. Recently, I’ve been lucky to have a pair of Cardinals visiting the Solution4Patio Homes Cedar Bird Feeder I have hanging out. With that, I wanted to write a quick review on the feeder, and why I think it’s worth buying.