Nectar Defender Review: A Simple and Effective Way to Attract Hummingbirds

The spring and summer is an especially fun time for bird feeding due in part to the arrival of hummingbirds. I recently visited my local Wild Bird Store and they told me about Hummingbird Concentrate with Nectar Defender.

Hummingbirds will visit feeders for nectar and it’s easy and straightforward to make your own with just table sugar and water. The only major drawback is that sugar water spoils quickly in the heat and needs replacing every couple days to avoid mold.

So, this Nectar Defender product has trace amounts of copper sulfate (safe for birds) to make it last up to two weeks. All you need to do is mix one cup of this stuff with three cups of water and you’re good to go for a while. Note: I’m still cleaning my feeder once a week using this stuff to ensure any buildups are eliminated, but that beats cleaning every other day.

With that, I want to give my final score for this product right away: 9/10. Yes, you can make your own nectar at home for much cheaper, but this stuff is easy to use and I love that it lasts a longer time. It saves me time not having to clean my hummingbird feeders several times a week. Oh, and my local Ruby Throated Hummingbirds love it! My feeder has been a little more popular using this stuff versus the sugar water I used last summer.

The only downside is that this stuff costs more. I got it for around $16 for a bottle that lasted me a while.

If you’re a busy person wanting to save some time on cleaning out your hummingbird feeders, this is certainly a product worth trying.

Related Content: How to Attract Hummingbirds – 11 Key Strategies (With Photos)

Full product description from Amazon: Naturally Fresh Hummingbird Nectar is specially formulated to provide hummingbirds and orioles with a healthy nectar that stays fresh longer. Naturally Fresh contains Nectar Defender, a micronutrient that is already consumed by hummingbirds in their natural diet. It works especially well for large hummingbird feeders in warm weather climates. It is an all natural hummingbird feed that stays fresh in your feeder for weeks, not days. With Naturally Fresh hummingbirds will enjoy having fresh nectar every time they visit your feeder.

Full ingredients List for Hummingbird Concentrate – Nectar Defender:

Cane sugar, water and copper sulfate are all ingredients in Hummingbird Concentrate - Nectar Defender.
Cane sugar, water and copper sulfate are all ingredients in Hummingbird Concentrate – Nectar Defender

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