I love feeding the woodpeckers outside of my apartment patio. I have a suet log feeder that woodpeckers love to cling from while they have a snack. I needed a re-stock in a pinch and ordered a Wildlife Sciences Suet Plugs variety pack off Amazon.
I’ve really enjoyed using this product for my winter woodpecker feeding over the last couple months and wanted to write a review about my experience if you’re looking for a relatively-affordable suet option for a log feeder.
Suet is a must-have in your bird feeding offerings during the fall and winter, especially if you want to attract woodpecker visitors like Downy, Hairy, Red-Bellied, and Pileated Woodpeckers. Suet, if you didn’t know, is the hard fat from beef. It’s a great high-fat food birds especially love for energy in cold temperatures.
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Related Content: How to Attract Woodpeckers to a Feeder

This Wildlife Sciences Suet Plug variety pack came with four different flavors:
- Peanut
- Insect and Nuts
- Sunflower
- Woodpecker Blend
I had the best luck with the peanut and woodpecker blend varieties at my feeder during the winter. But, my local Downy Woodpeckers ate each flavor with glee! I would like to experiment with all of these flavors again in the spring to see if the popularity of different flavors changes with the nesting season.
I’ve also spotted Black-Capped Chickadees, Sparrows, and even Northern Cardinals checking out the peanut and sunflower suet logs. Dark-Eyed Juncos also seem to enjoy eating the crumbs from the logs leftover under my bird feeders, which is a nice bonus bird.
I bought this variety pack for $19.99, or about $5 per pack of four suet plugs. This is a little cheaper than the $6 per pack I sometimes pay for suet plugs at local bird stores (not counting any shipping costs).
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Buying suet plugs is a more expensive method of buying the product. If you’re looking to save money, buy suet cakes (usually $1-$3) and put them in a cheap cage feeder. However, I like the look of having a nice suet log in my display…and my Woodpeckers like hanging from it too! I find the added cost worth it.
Here’s a link to purchase the suet plugs on Amazon

The ingredients listed for this product are: Rendered beef suet, cracked corn, millet, pecans, and processed grain byproducts.
This suet pack currently has a 4.5/5 customer review rating on Amazon. The product is also made in the USA.
Related Content: The Ultimate Bird Seed and Bird Food GuideĀ
If you end up buying these suet plugs, let me know in the comments section below what you think of it.

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