4 Easy Tips to Stop Birds from Hitting Windows

According to the American Bird Conservancy, 365 million to one billion birds in the United States die each year from flying into windows. More than half of window strikes are fatal for birds.

I became invested in this problem after noticing a handful of Sparrows hitting the windows near my bird feeders and researching adjustments I could make to help.

Birds tend to hit windows during the day because they might see vegetation reflected in and think it’s an open area to fly through. At night, migratory birds are susceptible to hitting windows illuminated by light as they travel. This is especially common in the spring and fall during migration.

So, how can you help prevent birds from flying into your windows? I wanted to share four simple tips to make your house, townhome or apartment safer for them below. I’ve implemented these tips and found them painless and easy to implement.

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1. Hang Bird Feeders Properly – Within Three Feet or 10+ Feet Away from Windows

bird feeder, birds, birdwatching-4314800.jpg
Keeping your bird feeders an ideal distance away from your home will help prevent window strikes.

Where you hang your bird feeders makes a difference in reducing window strikes. Wild Bird’s Unlimited recommends hanging feeders either within three feet (one meter) or more than 10 feet away (3+ meters) from windows. I go with the 10+ feet away approach and it’s been working well for me.

If birds are startled at your feeders for whatever reason, keeping them within three feet will prevent them from gaining enough speed to hit windows with harmful force. Keeping feeders more than 10 feet away gives them plenty of room to maneuver.

Other Dan’s Bird Bites Content: How to Attract Blue Jays to Your Bird Feeder

2. Buy Window Decals to Prevent Bird Strikes

This is an easy and cost-effective way to prevent birds from hitting your windows long- term. Plus, they can be a neat decoration. These decals highlight the window more and cut down reflection for birds to register that it’s not a space to fly into.

There are several decal options available at bird retail stores or online. Here are a couple you can buy from Amazon. I personally use the white stickers below and have seen a noticeable decline in the Sparrows that used to hit my window since implementing them. They’re cheap and worth the investment on any trouble spots at your home.

Anti-Collision Window Clings Bird Alert Collision Decals to Prevent Bird Strikes on Window Glass

Anti-collision Hummingbird Window Decals for sale on Amazon.
Hummingbird Window Decals from Amazon.

Anti-Collision Window Bird Stickers Decals

Anti-collision window bird sticker decals for sale on Amazon.
White bird anti-collision decals for sale on Amazon.

All you have to do is put the decals on the outside of your windows.

You can also make your windows even safer by:

  1. Installing screen doors and screen windows when able
  2. Closing window blinds. This help birds properly visualize that windows are a solid structure, according to the Audubon Society.

3. Turn Lights off at Night – Especially in the Spring

Many birds strike lit windows at nighttime in the spring and fall during their long migrations. An easy way to prevent this is to turn off external and internal lights at your home overnight. Your electric bill will also thank you.

4. Install a Window Bird Feeder

A bird feeder with suction cups that attaches to a window sitting it its box.
This is the window bird feeder I used. Chickadees, Finches, Cardinals…and our local Chipmunk, love it!

Finally, much like the window decals above, adding a window bird feeder gives birds an easy way to see that a window is a solid structure. As a bonus, you can draw in birds up close with another feeding station. You can’t beat the views presented with a window feeder.

Wrapping Up

I hope these tips have helped you easily bird-proof your home. Little steps like these can make a significant difference with helping bird populations and making your home more attractive for them to visit.

For more information on preventing bird strikes, I highly recommend you check out this in-depth piece from my go-to source for all things birding, The Cornell Lab.

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