Sometimes bigger is better. Want to feed a ton of birds all at once? Here are five of the highest-rated large bird feeders on Amazon that will hold a lot of food to draw in a ton of species into your yard. You’ll also save a lot of time with not having to refill them often.
Note: The prices listed on this story are subject to change and were last updated on January 7th, 2024. Please click links to view availabilty and final prices.
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Large Bird Feeders #1: Plastic Poly Large Raised Platform Covered Ground Feeder

What I Like:
- This feeder can hold a lot of bird seed while being compact enough to fit on a deck, apartment balcony or anywhere in a yard.
- If you like to feed both birds AND critters like squirrels and chipmunks, this is a fantastic feeder with ample space for both.
- A lot of space and support for birds of any size. This is one of the best bird feeders for Cardinals since they prefer to eat on or near the ground. Blue Jays and Mourning Doves will also love this.
- Love the large roof on top to help keep rain and snow away from the seed while providing shelter for birds.
- The design looks nice and will fit in nice with a yard or any outdoor area.
- Sturdy and durable to last for a long time.
- Made in the USA.
Bird Feeder Type: Fly-through/tray feeder
Birds That Will Like This Feeder: Any seed eating birds, along with critters like squirrels and chipmunks.
What’s it Made of? Recycled poly-lumber
Price? $179.99
Large Bird Feeders #2: H-F Green Absolute II Two Sided Feeder With Windows

What I like:
- I wanted to have a squirrel-proof feeder on this list and this fits the bill perfectly. Weight-sensitive feeder that will close shut if a heavy squirrel tries to sit on it.
- Feeder is made with steel, so you know it’s going to be durable and last for a long time.
- It’s able to hold a couple gallons worth of bird seed and has plenty of perching space for multiple birds, all while being squirrel-proof.
- Window views on this feeder give you a good sense of when the seed is starting to dwindle.
- High customer reviews online for being sturdy, easy-to-clean and easy to set up.
- Has a roof to help keep water and debris out of the bird seed.
- This is a great bird feeder for Cardinals.
Related: What’s the Best Bird Seed? Check out the Bird Seed Power Rankings
Bird Feeder Type: Squirrel-proof hopper feeder
Birds That Will Like This Feeder: Any seed eating birds of all sizes
What’s it Made of? Steel
Price? $98.72
Large Bird Feeders #3: More Birds 4 Cake Suet Buffet Bird Feeder with Metal Roof

What I like:
- Holds four suet cakes all at once. That will last you a while and make a lot of Woodpeckers and Nuthatches happy.
- It’s a big enough feeder that it would support larger Woodpeckers like Pileated and Red-Bellied Woodpeckers.
- Suet feeders are easy and cheap to use. Just fill the cages with a suet cake and you’ll be good to go for a while.
- Large enough to support multiple birds at once. That’s not the case for a majority of suet feeders!
Bird Feeder Type: Metal Suet Cage Feeder
Birds That Will Like This Feeder: Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Nuthatches
What’s it Made of? Metal
Price? $19.79
Large Feeder #4: BQYPOWER 42-Ounce Nectar Hummingbird Feeder

What I like:
- Being able to hold 42 ounces of nectar at once is a lot. That’s the most I’ve seen on the hummingbird feeder so far. As with all other hummingbird feeders, you’re going to want to make sure you clean and empty any excess nectar after a few days. This would be a good investment if you have regular hummingbird guests, though!
- This feeder looks awesome. It would fit in well with a summer yard display and would be a great gift.
- There are several feeding ports to support multiple hummingbirds swooping in for nectar.
- Has a rubber ring design to prevent leaks.
Bird Feeder Type: Hummingbird Feeder
Birds That Will Like This Feeder: Hummingbirds
What’s it Made of? Glass
Price? $29.99
Related content: How to Attract Hummingbirds – 11 Key Strategies
Large Feeder #5: JCs Wildlife Large Ground Fly Thru Bird Feeder

What I like:
- Has a removable tray with a handle in the center. Makes for easy cleaning.
- I also like that there are two divided sections for bird feed in this feeder. You can easily divide a variety of foods.
- A lot of space and support for birds of any size. Cardinals, Blue Jays and Mourning Doves will love this.
- I love having a roof above a tray feeder to keep the food and birds protected from the elements.
- Holds about eight cups of bird seed.
- Sturdy feeder that can easily be set up in any outdoor space.
- Available in five different color designs.
- Made in the USA.
Bird Feeder Type: Fly-through feeder
Birds That Will Like This Feeder: Any seed eating birds, along with critters like squirrels and chipmunks.
What’s it Made of? Recycled poly-lumber
Price? $106.99
Wrapping Up, Bonus Tips
I hope this list of large bird feeders was helpful for you in getting a ton of birds to your yard. Leave a comment below on if you’ve tried one of these feeders out, or if you have suggestions for others I can add to this list!
Want even more birds visiting your yard? Here are a handful of universal things you can do to increase your chances of bringing birds to your yard before you even hang up a feeder.
- Provide water (especially a heated bird bath in the winter)
- Avoid using pesticides
- Have trees and shrubbery nearby
- Plant native plants in your yard
- Keep your cats indoors
- Clean your bird feeders every few weeks to prevent disease from spreading
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